How to use sweetfx for smnite
How to use sweetfx for smnite

For help with this, we set up a page dedicated to the terms players use and what they mean exactly. Some of the things are pretty straightforward and should make sense, but others might stump you at first. Instead of saying they are returning to base, they may simply just but B. Over the years MOBA players have come up with their own way of describing things. One of the biggest things to know when stepping into a MOBA is the terminology players use. You will not find a weak, easily killed Odin here, or a Ra who can't dish out serious solar damage. Each god has a rich history about them that can be read up on and players will find that the gods are represented well, generally portrayed as one might expect them to be. As opposed to fantasy based heroes many games use, Smite has chosen to fill its roster with ancient mythological gods, such as Odin, Ra, and Guan Yu. The other defining feature Smite has, are the Gods. It is a subtle change from other MOBAs and shouldn't feel unnatural to veterans of other games or newcomers. This new camera means movement is controlled through WASD, while abilities have been moved up to the number keys, 1234. This makes player control very important as most attacks will not lock on, or home in on the enemies. Smite has a third person camera perspective, bringing the player's view down into the battle instead of above it.

how to use sweetfx for smnite

The single biggest difference between Smite and most other MOBAs can be seen in the screenshot above.

How to use sweetfx for smnite